Saturday, August 05, 2006

09 August 2006, Orcalab reports:

Multiple pod calls audible.

The B7s led the parade back to the west starting at 2:50am. All the groups (the A4s,A5s,A30s,A12s,Gs,I31s,Rs etc) followed. With the exception of the small A11 group, who went through Blackney Pass, all the rest continued west in Johnstone Strat. We are just now hearing the first groups arrive at the top end of Blackfish Sound after exiting the Strait via Weynton Pass.
09 Aug 2006 06:39:59 PDT

Multiple pod calls audible.

The A12s came back from Queen Charlotte Strait ahead of the B7s, A24s,A51s and A43s. They all came through Blackney Pass. The A12s are now entering the Ecological Reserve while the others are slowly resting west of the Sophias. The rest of the groups (the A36s, A11s, I15s, Rs, Ds, I31s & Gs) are still headed west in Queen Charlotte Strait.
09 Aug 2006 14:22:15 PDT


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