Friday, August 11, 2006

11 August 2006, Orcalab reports:

Multiple pod calls audible.

After the A30s and the I15s disappeared to the east in Johnstone Strait all was quiet until 11pm. Then... calls in Blackfish Sound. In came the Cs, Ds, Gs, and A36s through Blackney Pass. They reached Johnstone Strait on the slack tide andthen made their way east. Just as the last of these groups were approaching Robson Bight the A12s,A4s,A5s,A30s and Bs came up from the east. By 2:30am everyone had turned and moved in the same direction together, We last heard calls at 3:15 as the groups passed the eastern boundary of the Ecological Reserve.
11 Aug 2006 07:17:59 PDT

No orcas present.

The resident orcas who came during the night have remained east all day. A fairly large group of transients (the T100s) turned up off Donegal Head this morning. The went west toward Alet Bay and Port McNeill and then turned around and headed for Alder Bay and Beaver Cove. They were identified by DFO. The fishing opening will close at 6pm so we anticipate the area to be a little less busy tonight.
11 Aug 2006 16:40:01 PDT

Superb sounds!!

The Ds, Cs & A30s have returned from the east and are now off Robson Bight. Nick Templeton of Painter's Lodge reported tonight that the I15s were on their way through Seymour Narrows (north of Campbell River) on the slack tide while the A12s, A24s & A11s had been in Frederick Arm (also very far east). The Bs were in Nodales (also very far east) The A36s and the Gs were also seen in the east today. The T100s continued to tour the area. After nearing the Reserve they turned and headed back west. They were last seen by the Blue Fjord around 8:30pm off the Nimpkish River opposite Alert Bay.
11 Aug 2006 22:00:21 PDT

Orcas approaching Orcalab.

Hmmm.... We are actually hearing the I15s off of CP at the moment and it looks like they and the Cs,Ds and A30s are turning into Blackney Pass.
11 Aug 2006 23:25:06 PDT


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