Monday, August 14, 2006

14 August 2006, Orcalab reports:

No calls but orcas nearby

The whales who went east early this morning are returning and the lead groups are already up to Boat Bay. Meanwhile, the Naiad has been reporting a very large group (included are Ws,Ds,Rs and more) off the Port Hardy area. They are not yet committed to fully coming down to the east.
14 Aug 2006 13:56:15 PDT

Multiple pod calls audible.

My goodness what a day. The OLers were here after their encounter with the Rs, Ws,Ds,C6s,C10s mid Queen Charlotte Strait off Pine Island on the Naiad Explorer. Meanwhile, the A30s,A36s, I15s, A12s, A35s,A24s,A51s, A43s, Bs and the several G groups came out of the east and travelled toward WeyntonPassage. There the Gs probably took off through Weynton Passage and the others returned to the entrance of Blackney Pass where after sorting themselves out they headed into Blackney Pass and past the Lab. The A24s and the Bs were the last through. CP saw the A12s continue to the west in the Strait and it is still unclear what they are going to do.
14 Aug 2006 20:48:52 PDT


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