Tuesday, August 22, 2006

22 August 2006, Orcalab reports:

Multiple pod calls audible.

Soon after 3am we began to hear the groups coming back through the Ecological Reserve on their way west. The A12s, A4s,A5s, Cs and Ds marched up the Strait and through to Blackfish Sound.
22 Aug 2006 06:45:58 PDT

Multiple pod calls audible.

At 7:40pm we began to hear distant A calls in Blackfish Sound. This turned out to be the A12s,A4s and A5s returning from their day's journey into Queen Charlotte Strait. The Cs and the Ds have not returned. The whales made slow but somewhat steady progress against the ebbing tide. They will now have the advantage of the slack tide and then the flood to help their progress to the Strait and points east. The last of the groups are still in Blackney while others have already made it through. It was quite interesting that at one point we had an A4 group on CP, another on Parson Island and the third on Local left at the same time.
22 Aug 2006 23:38:34 PDT


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